how to keep your memory sharp always (page 2)

Help put off normal aging-related memory loss and perharps, vevn prevent demential(significant loss of intellectual abilities) and alzheimer's disease. Its long been known that exercise is good for your heart, but now it seems whats good for your body is also good for your brain.

Exercise increase blood flow to your whole body body, includng your. and exercise seems to slow the loss of brain tissue that typically begins in your 40s. Normal aging process can make it difficult to recall certain facts, normal aging also makes multi-task more difficult for instance , you may need to stop between tasks and and remenber what u were working on rather than seamlessly switching back and forth. Studies have found that exercise seems to delay or sometimes prevent these specific aging-related changes in your brain.

More than 60 percent of adults do not exercise according to survey by the Centres for Disease Control (CDC). That's a big mistake since an impressive line of reseach suggest that exercise promotes the area of the brain responsible for some aspect of memory. Neuroscientist Arthur kramer and colleaques at the unversity of ILLINOIS, U.S.A. found that after six months poeple who are over sixty years who exercised three times a week for an hour had the brain volume of poeple three years younger. In 2006, the annals of internal medicine reported a six-year project involving 1,740 poeple and over 65 of this figurewho had moderate exercise had redused risk of demential. So get your heart pumping by huffing and puffing to bring more blood and your oxygen to your brain.

Nutrition as also been found to mitigate memory loss in aging adults , it has been proved over and overagain that eating vegetables can help in inhibiting the dying out of countless neurons in your brain, hereby helping you are so old that you can not remenber how much your first pay check was.

sure when you are growing old, you are becoming more forgeful and you are forgiven for it. But would you be senile than beign mentally active ? Brain experts and nutrictionist haver linked vegetables particularlly with improving cognitive skills in adult of at least sixty years of age. Apart from the greens, good cholesterols found in fatty acids, like Omega-3 can promote the overall health of your brain.


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